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Old-School RuneScape Skill Guides
» Runescape Skill Guides » Hunter

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Zybez RuneScape Help's Paw Print
Table of Contents

1.0 - Introduction

The Hunter skill is unlike many other skills in-game, being based moreover on patience above training strategy. Players that have started this skill have experienced tracking and catching numerous animals, most of which are newly introduced. The Hunter skill also introduced a new range of equipment, some of which includes tribal-like helms, capes, gloves, and even live animals! In order to start hunting you must buy hunting equipment from players or from hunting stores. Hunting stores are located in Yanille and Nardah (south-east of Pollnivneach).

Once you have your equipment, you're all set to hunt. The first animals you are able to hunt are Crimson Swifts and Polar Kebbits. The Crimson Swifts are located in the Jungle Hunting Area, and the Polar Kebbits are located in the Snow Hunting Area. For more details visit their respective sections.

2.0 - Equipment

There is a lot of hunter equipment that is available from hunter stores in certain places throughout RuneScape. These include traps, snares and different tools used to trap or provoke the creatures of Runescape.

The following table describes all of the Hunter equipment you can purchase and use from Hunter stores:

Picture Name Level Used for
Zybez RuneScape Help's Bird Snare Image Bird Snare 1 Catching hunter birds.
Zybez RuneScape Help's Noose Wand Image Noose wand 1 Catching tracking creatures.
Zybez RuneScape Help's Butterfly Net Image Butterfly net 15 Catching hunter butterflies.
Zybez RuneScape Help's Butterfly Jar Image Butterfly jar 15 Storing hunter butterflies.
Zybez RuneScape Help's Rabbit Snare Image Rabbit snare 27 Catching rabbits (upon completion of Eagles' Peak).
Zybez RuneScape Help's Box Trap Image Box trap 27 Catching box trap creatures.
Zybez RuneScape Help's Teasing Stick Image Teasing stick 31 Catching pitfall creatures.
Zybez RuneScape Help's Torch Image Torch 39 For smoking traps to remove your scent. Must be lit to smoke traps.
Zybez RuneScape Help's Magic Box Image Magic box 71 Catching imps.
Zybez RuneScape Help's Hunter Crossbow Image Hunter Crossbow 50 * Your everyday ranging needs.

* - The Hunter Crossbow requires level 50 ranged to use, and gives +55 range attack bonus. It uses kebbit bolts, which are akin to adamant arrows in power.

3.0 - Hunter Training Areas

Scattered across RuneScape are 6 Hunting Areas. These 6 areas are the only areas in which you can train hunting on (Excluding Imps, which require 71 Hunter. These are located all around RuneScape). In these Hunting Areas players witness hunting animals. Not all hunting animals are located in the same area; hence there are 6 climates that suit each hunting animal. All hunting areas are marked by the Zybez RuneScape Help's City Key of a Hunter Training Ground on the Mini-map. Information about each animal and their hunting area are located below.

3.1 - Woodland

The Woodland Hunting Area is located in South of Piscatoris, and North of Gnome Stronghold. Here lies most of the kebbit race, along with a few other selections of animals. Below is a chart of the animals that are within the Piscatoris Hunting Area:

Picture Name Type Level Required Experience Drop(s)
Zybez RuneScape Help's Common Kebbit Image Common Kebbit Tracking 3 36 Bones, Raw Beast Meat, Common Kebbit Fur
Zybez RuneScape Help's Copper Longtails Image Copper Longtails Bird Hunting 9 61 Bones, Raw Bird Meat, Brown Feathers
Zybez RuneScape Help's Ruby Harvest Image Ruby Harvest Butterfly Catching 15 24 Ruby Harvest
Zybez RuneScape Help's Wild Kebbit Image Wild Kebbit Deadfall Trapping 23 128 Bones, Kebbit Claws
Zybez RuneScape Help's Rabbit Image Rabbit Snaring 27 144 Bones, Raw Rabbit Meat, Rabbit Foot
Zybez RuneScape Help's Ferret Image Ferret Box Trapping 27 115.2 Ferret
Zybez RuneScape Help's      ly Kebbit Image Prickly Kebbit Deadfall Trapping 37 204 Bones, Kebbit Spikes
Zybez RuneScape Help's Razor-backed Kebbit Image Razor-backed Kebbit Tracking 49 348 Bones, Raw Beast Meat, Long Kebbit Spikes **
Zybez RuneScape Help's Chinchompa Image Chinchompa Box Trapping 53 198 Chinchompa

From Picture Name Notes
Wild kebbit Zybez RuneScape Help's Kebbit Claw Image Kebbit claw At level 32 crafting you can use Kebbit claws on leather or dragonhide vambraces to give them an added +2 strength bonus.
Rabbit Zybez RuneScape Help's Rabbit's Foot Image Rabbit's foot Can be strung at level 37 crafting to make a rabbit-foot necklace, which greatly increases the chance of obtaining a bird's nest whilst woodcutting.
Prickly kebbit Zybez RuneScape Help's Kebbit Spike Image Kebbit spikes Can be fletched to make kebbit bolts used with the Hunter Crossbow, and are akin to adamant bolts in their power. Use a chisel on them to make into hunter bolts.
Razorback kebbit Zybez RuneScape Help's Long Kebbit Spike Image Long Kebbit spikes These are fletched to make long kebbit bolts. These are used with the Hunter Crossbow, and are akin to adamant bolts in their power. Use a chisel on them to make into long hunter bolts.
Chinchompa Zybez RuneScape Help's Chinchompa Image Chinchompa Can be used as a range weapon. They have short, medium and long fuses that can be changed to give a greater chance at hitting a target. For example a long fuse has a greater chance of hitting a target further away.

3.2 - Jungle

The Jungle Hunting Area is located south of Feldip Hills, which is south of Yanille. This hunting area is home of the Crimson Swifts, which is one of the first animals you are required to hunt in order to bring your level higher. The jungle is also one of the most efficient training areas for hunters that have attained level 30-40 hunting. Below are the animals located in the Jungle Hunting Area:

Picture Name Type Level Required Experience Drop(s)
Zybez RuneScape Help's Crimson Swifts Image Crimson Swifts Bird Hunting 1 34 Bones, Raw Bird Meat, Red Feathers
Zybez RuneScape Help's Feldip Weasel Image Feldip Weasel Tracking 7 48 Bones, Raw Beast Meat, Feldip Weasel Fur
Zybez RuneScape Help's Tropical Wagtail Image Tropical Wagtail Bird Hunting 19 95.2 Bones, Raw Bird Meat, Stripy Feathers
Zybez RuneScape Help's Spined Larupias Image Spined Larupias Pitfall Trapping 31 180 Tatty or Perfect Larupia Fur, big bones
Zybez RuneScape Help's Barbtailed Kebbit Image Barbtailed Kebbits Deadfall Trapping 33 168 Bones, Barb-tailed Harpoon
Zybez RuneScape Help's Black Warlock Image Black Warlock Butterfly Catching 45 54 Black Warlock
Zybez RuneScape Help's Red Chinchompa Image Carnivorous Chinchompa Box Trapping 63 265 Red Chinchompa

From Picture Name Notes
Tropical Wagtail Zybez RuneScape Help's Stripy Feathers Image Stripy Feathers These are used to catch Rainbow fish, which heal 11hp, at level 38 with a fly-fishing rod, and level 38 cooking to cook.
Zybez RuneScape Help's Red Chinchompa Image Red Chinchompa Can be used as a range weapon. They have short, medium and long fuses that can be changed to give a greater chance at hitting a target. For example a long fuse has a greater chance of hitting a target further away.

3.3 - Desert

The Desert Hunting Area is located east of Shantay Pass, just over the bridge lying east. This hunting area includes an abundance of Golden Warblers and Orange Salamanders, perfect for Hunters levelled 20-50. Due to the small range of animals, and a semi-large training area, hunters now have more space for animals to trap. To use the Orange salamander as a weapon, you must first give it fuel. You need to mix 15 swamp tar and one marrentill in a mortar and pestle and feed it to the lizard. Once fuelled up, it can be used as melee, range and mage weapons depending on the style you choose. Below is a list of animals located within the Desert training Area:

Picture Name Type Level Required Experience Drop(s)
Zybez RuneScape Help's Golden Warblers Image Golden Warblers Bird Hunting 5 47.5 Bones, Raw Bird Meat, Orange Feathers
Zybez RuneScape Help's Desert Devils Image Desert Devils Tracking 13 66 Bones, Raw Beast Meat, Desert Devil Fur
Zybez RuneScape Help's Orange Salamander Image Orange Salamander Net Trapping 47 224 Orange Salamander

3.4 - Snow

The chilly frozen part of Hunting is located North-East of Rellekka. This hunting area contains a good amount of butterflies, so it is strongly recommended to come here for butterfly hunting between levels 30-40. The Snow Hunting area also contains Polar Kebbits, which are another beginning animal for hunters. Below is a list of animals located in the Snow Hunting Area:

Picture Name Type Level Required Experience Drop(s)
Zybez RuneScape Help's Polar Kebbits Image Polar Kebbits Tracking 1 30 Bones, Raw Beast Meat, Polar Kebbit Fur
Zybez RuneScape Help's Cerulean Twitches Image Cerulean Twitches Bird Hunting 11 64.6 Bones, Raw Bird Meat, Blue Feathers
Zybez RuneScape Help's Sapphire Glacialis Image Sapphire Glacialis Butterfly Catching 25 34 Sapphire Glacialis
Zybez RuneScape Help's Snowy Knight Image Snowy Knight Butterfly Catching 35 44 Snowy Knight
Zybez RuneScape Help's Sabre-Toothed Kebbit Image Sabre-Toothed Kebbit Deadfall Trapping 51 200 Bones, Kebbit Teeth
Zybez RuneScape Help's Sabre-Toothed Kyatts Image Sabre-Toothed Kyatts Pitfall Trapping 55 300 Big bones, (Tatty) Kyatt Fur

3.5 - Horned Graahks

Just north of Cairn Isle is the area where Horned Graahks can be found. Cairn Isle is located just off the west coast of Karamja. As the name suggests, the area only contains Horned Graahks, so don't come expecting to find a bounty of different creatures.

Picture Name Type Level Required Experience Drop(s)
Zybez RuneScape Help's Horned Graahk Image Horned Graahk Pitfall Trapping 41 240 Big bones, (tatty) Horned Graahk Fur

3.6 - Swamp

The Swamp Hunting Area is located South-East of Canafis. This hunting area is only for players who wish to seek the Swamp Lizards. Not only are the swamp lizards difficult to reach by walking, it is required that you complete the Priest in Peril, and Nature Spirit quests before reaching the hunting areas. Below are details about the Swamp Lizard. To use this as a weapon, you must first give it fuel. You need to mix 15 swamp tar and a guam leaf in a mortar and pestle and feed it to the lizard. Once fuelled up, it can be used as melee, range and mage weapons depending on the style you choose.

Picture Name Type Level Required Experience Drop(s)
Zybez RuneScape Help's Swamp Lizard Image Swamp Lizard Net Trapping 29 152 Swamp Lizard

3.7 - Lava

The Lava Hunting Areas are spread out throughout the map, each containing a type of salamander. The Hunting Area for Red Salamanders is located South-West of Ardougne. An easy way to get here is to teleport to Castle Wars with a Ring of Dueling, then walk north, or to use the spirit trees to the battlefield of Khazard and then walk west. The Hunting Area for Black Salamanders is located in level 20 Wilderness, in the far east by the Hill Giants. Below is a compiled list of information for these animals. To use these as weapons, you need to give them fuel. You need to mix 15 swamp tar in a mortar and pestle, using tarromin for the Red salamander and Harralander for the Black salamander. Once fuelled up, these can be used as melee, range and mage weapons depending on the style you choose.

Picture Name Type Level Required Experience Drop(s)
Zybez RuneScape Help's Red Salamander Image Red Salamander Net Trapping 59 272 Red Salamander
Zybez RuneScape Help's Black Salamander Image Black Salamander Net Trapping 67 304 Black Salamander

3.8 - Falconry

The Woodland area can be located west of the Gnome tree stronghold, and is accessed by walking from the Gnome gate and west along the south wall. The Falconry area is east of the main hunting area. No gloves, shields or weapons are allowed to be worn in this area, as equipment is provided for 500gp. You cannot take the falcons from the falconry. Below are the details of the animals that can be hunted using this method:

Picture Name Type Level Required Experience Drop(s)
Zybez RuneScape Help's Spotted Kebbit Image Spotted Kebbit Falconry 43 104 Spotted fur
Zybez RuneScape Help's Dark Kebbit Image Dark Kebbit Falconry 57 132 Dark kebbit fur
Zybez RuneScape Help's Dashing Kebbit Image Dashing Kebbit Falconry 69 156 Dashing kebbit fur

3.9 - Worldwide

Worldwide, as the name suggests, means this creature can be found all over the world. It is the normal level 2 imp, and the main spots for these are Varrock, Falador, south of Ardougne Zoo, and Karamja volcano. There are many other locations, and a little exploration can find them if it is desired.

Picture Name Type Level Required Experience Drop(s)
Zybez RuneScape Help's Imp Image Imp Magic box trap 71 450 N/A - You obtain a Boxed Imp

4.0 - Hunting

Not all hunting includes tracking down your enemies and capturing them. The hunter skill is separated into differing categories, each with different animals and differing styles of hunting. The compiled list of information below will explain in detail, what each hunting style is, and how it works.

At certain levels you gain the ability to set more traps. The table below shows the levels at which you gain these abilities.

Note: You can set a maximum of one fall trap no matter what your level is.

Level Number of Traps
1 1
20 2
40 3
60 4
80 5
4.1 - Tracking

Tracking is rather self-explanatory - you track down your prey. Tracking involves searching for Kebbit prints leading out of Burrows, then following the tracks around by searching nearby plants, rocks and trees. You will probably have to find the rest of the trail about five times before it leads you to the Kebbit you are hunting. At this point it is vital you have your noose wand equipped. After finding the end of the tracks inspect a nearby bush, or something else the Kebbit may be hiding in, and inspect it. You'll hook yourself a Kebbit if you have the noose wand equipped.

Zybez Runescape Help's Screenshot of Tracks

4.2 - Bird Hunting
Adam's Screenshot of Tracks

Bird Hunting is a very basic and understandable concept. When bird hunting, always remember to bring at least 2 snares. If you are at a higher level (20-40) bring more snares, as you may set more than one trap. The reason you bring extra snares is because you can often fail to see that one has collapsed, or even lag out, thus losing your snares. As the areas where you catch birds are quite remote, it's a pain to trek back to a bank or a Hunting Store to get new ones.

In order to catch a bird, you must first set up your bird snare. Set it up using the 'Lay' option, in an area where birds of a level you can catch are flying around. When it is set up, you must wait for a bird to come by, and if successful the bird will be trapped, and you will have a new option; "Check Snare". Note that you will only get hunting experience by checking the snare. If you leave your snare for a limited amount of time, it will fall over, and you will have to reset your trap. There are times that your trap will be unsuccessful - when a bird lands on your snare, but flies away before it gets trapped - and you will need to dismantle your trap, before laying it again. Individual birds do have a certain respawn area, so it is wise to set-up your snare close to the respawn area.

4.3 - Butterfly Catching

While butterfly catching requires concentration at all times, this is a very easy method for levelling up from levels 15 to 40. To catch butterflies, a butterfly net must be wielded, and at least one butterfly jar must be in your inventory. To catch a butterfly, locate one and click on it. You will attempt to catch the butterfly and this, depending on your level, could take many attempts. To speed up hunting butterflies, it is wise to have a lot of butterfly jars in your inventory. This saves time lost repeatedly releasing them. Another, more tricky method, is to find the butterflies respawn spot. Finding it speeds up hunting much faster as there is no need to find the butterfly.

"What do I do with these jarred butterflies?" you might ask. These jarred butterflies, when used on another player in a multi combat zone, can boost their attack, defence, hitpoints and strength. See the below table to know each butterfly's effect:

Picture Name Level to Capture Experience Given Location caught Effect
Zybez RuneScape Help's Screenshot of Ruby Harvest Butterfly in jar Ruby Harvest 15 24 Piscatoris Hunting Area Boosts another player's attack by 5%
Zybez RuneScape Help's Screenshot of Sapphire glacialis Butterfly in jar Sapphire Glacialis 25 34 Rellekka Hunter Area Boosts another player's Defence by 5%
Zybez RuneScape Help's Screenshot of Snowy Knight Butterfly in jar Snowy knight 35 44 Rellekka Hunting Location Boosts another player's Hitpoints by 5%
Zybez RuneScape Help's Screenshot of Black Warlock Butterfly in a jar Black Warlock 45 54 Feldip Hill Hunting Area Boosts another player's strength by 5%

4.4 - Fall Trapping

Using the fall trapping option is a very good way to collect experience for the Hunter skill. The only downfall is that it can be very popular as well. To set up a fall, you first must have the required items: 1 Knife, Logs (A good amount, any type of log will do), Bait (Varies on the creature, not required but recommended), and Proper clothing for the certain area you are in (Not required once again, but recommended). Once you have those items, head over to a spot that looks like this. Basically it looks like a bunch of boulders on the ground. First set up your fall by clicking on the boulder, this will automatically take out the logs from your bag and set it up. Next, this is recommended, click on your 'bait' (Once again varies on the animal, it might be raw meat to fish to even barley) and use it on the fall. Then sit there and wait, eventually the creature will get close and go under the trap. The boulder will then fall and fall on top of the creature. Click on the boulder again and collect the drops.

Using the fall method of training can also be very difficult. Using a fall is very popular, so it is recommended to train in a world with fewer users. The reason that using the fall method can be difficult is because there are a limited amount of spots, and if the area you are training in is too crowded, people will tend to very quickly take your spot. This happens very often as well due to the fact that you need to constantly refill your bag with logs and quickly returning to your spot. A good way to avoid others 'stealing' your spot is to always keep an eye on your spot. Before you start training, stock up on logs as said above and have a good amount. When you are starting to run low on logs, set up your fall and run to the nearest trees while still keeping and eye on your fall trap. If you see it has collapsed, quickly run back and re-set your trap. If you see your fall has captured the creature (Put your cursor over the trap, it if says 'Check' that means you have captured your creature) this will give a limited amount of time to get more logs without other players taking your fall. Be quick though because your trap can 'Collapse' again and if it does it is then open to other players to take. Doing this over and over can prove successful most of the time for keeping your spot.

4.5 - Box Trapping

Box trapping is used to capture Chinchompas in the woodland area, Red Chinchompas in the jungle and - with the release of the quest Eagles' Peak - Ferrets. To trap an animal, simply set up a box trap (bought from any hunting store) and place it in the area where the hunted animal is. Then your trap can be baited (different animals like different baits):

Animal Bait Used
Chinchompa (Woodland) Spicy Chopped Tomato
Red Chinchompa (Jungle) Spicy Minced Meat

Your trap can also be smoked by using a lit torch; this will remove any scent you left behind which decreases the intervals at which they come to you. This, like any trap, has a chance of failing - if an animal walks up to it and pauses, it may spring the trap prematurely, startling it, but not catching it.

4.6 - Net Trapping
Animal Bait Used
Swamp Lizards (Swamp) Guam Tar
Orange Salamanders (Desert) Marrentill Tar
Red Salamanders (Lava) Tarromin Tar
Black Salamanders (Lava) Harralander Tar

Net trapping is used to capture lizards and salamanders. This is commonly used as it provides fast experience for all medium to high levelled hunters. Another bonus is the fact that your trap is reusable, and cheap. To lay a net trap, a rope and a small fishing net is needed, and they should be attached to a special tree located in the hunting area. The trap can be smoked, and bait can be used. To make bait, use swamp tar and the herb that the lizard likes. You can make 15 bait per herb (1 herb + 15 swamp tar). The amount of traps you can lay is dependent on your level. Using anymore than 3 traps at a time for this is bad for two reasons. One being that three will have you running around constantly, and the second being that there aren't places where 4 trees are close enough to make it logical.

4.7 - Pitfall Trapping

Pitfalls are used to trap big monsters - Larupias, Horned Graahks, and Kyatts. To create a pitfall trap, you will need a minimum level of 31, an axe, a knife, and a teasing stick. You'll need to chop some logs - any kind will do - then click on the pit with the logs and knife in your inventory. Then, with the teasing stick equipped, tease your chosen animal. This will anger the animal, making it chase you. Run to your trap, and click on it to jump over. The animal following you will then either jump over the trap following you, or fall into it. If the animal jumps over, you will need to jump over a second trap, as they will not jump over the same trap twice in a row. If the animal is trapped, you will need to click on the trap to check it to gain your experience and the rewards.
Note: Keep in mind these large animals do attack you as they chase you, and they inflict damage. Lower levelled characters should be cautious around them.

4.8 - Falconry

To begin using Falconry, you must first travel to Piscatoris hunting grounds with a minimum level of 43 Hunter. Find and talk to Matthias, and for 500gp he will lend you a Falcon and grant you access to his Falconry training grounds.
Note: Remember no Gloves, Shields, or Weapons can be wielded in this area.

Once you have found an appropriate spot, hold the bird, and head south of where Matthias is to the kebbits. Click on one of the kebbits and your Falcon will lunge forward, and swoop down on the selected kebbit. Drops from these animals, as explained above, include furs that can be made into lightweight clothing, used to greatly increase success of other skills.

5.0 - Clothes

The rewards for hunting animals come in the form of useful dress wear. Some items help with the hunting skill, while others are useful for other skills. To make the clothes, take the required fur and money to the Fancy Clothes Store, located just South-East of Varrock's East Bank, through the wooden gate.

There are three categories of clothes; camouflage, animal camouflage, and falconry fur accessories. The bonus these clothes give is that you have a greater chance of trapping a creature as they provide greater camouflage. Details on how to obtain them are as follows:

Picture Animal hunted Item Level Required Cost per piece Effect
Zybez RuneScape Help's Common Kebbit Image Common Kebbit Wood camo top 1 Two furs and 20gp Bonus in Woodland areas
Zybez RuneScape Help's Common Kebbit Image Common Kebbit Wood camo bottom 1 Two furs and 20gp Bonus in Woodland areas
Zybez RuneScape Help's Polar Kebbit Image Polar Kebbit Polar camo top 1 Two furs and 20gp Bonus in Snow areas
Zybez RuneScape Help's Polar Kebbit Image Polar Kebbit Polar camo bottom 1 Two furs and 20gp Bonus in Snow areas
Zybez RuneScape Help's Feldip weasel Image Feldip weasel Jungle camo top 4 Two furs and 20gp Bonus in Jungle areas
Zybez RuneScape Help's Feldip weasel Image Feldip weasel Jungle camo bottom 4 Two furs and 20gp Bonus in Jungle areas
Zybez RuneScape Help's Desert devil Image Desert devil Desert camo top 10 Two furs and 20gp Bonus in Desert areas
Zybez RuneScape Help's Desert devil Image Desert devil Desert camo bottom 10 Two furs and 20gp Bonus in Desert areas

Hat Top Legs Animal hunted Item Level Required Cost per set (3 items) Effect
Zybez RuneScape Help's Spined Larupia Hat Image Zybez RuneScape Help's Spined Larupia Top Image Zybez RuneScape Help's Spined Larupia Legs Image Spined Larupia Larupia set 28 Three furs (at least 1 good) and 700gp Bonus in Jungle/Woodland areas
Zybez RuneScape Help's Horn Hat Image Zybez RuneScape Help's Horn Top Image Zybez RuneScape Help's Horn Legs Image Horned Graahk Graahk set 38 Three furs (at least 1 good) and 1,050gp Bonus in Desert areas
Zybez RuneScape Help's Sabre Tooth Hat Image Zybez RuneScape Help's Sabre Tooth Top Image Zybez RuneScape Help's Sabre Tooth Legs Image Sabretooth Kyatt Kyatt set 52 Three furs (at least 1 good) and 1,200gp Bonus in Snow areas

Picture Animal hunted Item Level Required Cost per piece Effect
Zybez RuneScape Help's Screenshot of a Barbtailed Harpoon Barbtailed kebbit Barb-tail harpoon - - Can be wielded to free up on extra space in your inventory while fishing.
Zybez RuneScape Help's Spotted Kebbit Image Spotted Kebbit Spotted cape 40 Two furs and 400 coins Reduces weight by 3kg
Zybez RuneScape Help's Dark Kebbit Image Dark Kebbit Gloves of silence 54 Two furs and 600 coins Greatly increases pickpocketing success, but degrades over time.
Zybez RuneScape Help's Dashing Kebbit Image Dashing Kebbit Spottier cape 66 Two furs and 800 coins Reduces weight by 5kg

6.0 - Strategies

I'm going to be brutally honest right off the bat, you shouldn't plan on training hunting if you expect to gain decent profit or benefit in any significant way, however it is still a skill that many players choose to train simply because they enjoy playing the game. The act of hunting itself usually relies on trapping or fooling animals in order to capture them and their contents. In this guide I will explain the most efficient method of training hunting that I've found from my own experiences.

Please keep in mind that this is a strategy guide, not a skill guide. Therefore I will skip most of the hunting methods simply because I've found them to be inefficient. I'm sure that some other players have found methods other than what I've listed in certain level categories that suit them better and I am in no way saying that this guide shows THE best way to train hunting, but the best way I found to train hunting. And trust me, I've tried many ways.

Varrock Museum

In the basement of the Varrock museum there are several exhibits where you can be quizzed on various facts about the creatures presented in them. If you successfully complete them all, then you will be given 1000 Hunter and Slayer XP. This is a very quick method to get level 9 Hunter (and Slayer) from level 1. For more information please view our Varrock Museum Guide.

Beginner Hunting

Crimson Swifts (1 - 5)

  • Bird snare - Yanille Hunting Shop
  • Jungle camo top (Optional) - Exchange for 2 Feldip weasel furs and 20gp at the Fancy Clothes Store in the south-eastern section of Varrock past the gate.
  • Jungle camo bottom (Optional) - Exchange for 2 Feldip weasel furs and 20gp at the Fancy Clothes Store in the southeastern section of Varrock past the gate.
  • Dramen or Lunar Staff - If you wish to use Fairy Rings to get to this spot

Note that wearing camo or fur clothes will drive away some of the suspiciousness from the animals which you are trying to capture. See next section for more info.

Zybez RuneScape Help's Image of the Crimson Swift Hunting Area

How to get there

By far the fastest way to the Feldip Hills hunting area is by using Fairy Rings and heading south. The code for the fairy ring spot north of the Jungle Hunting Ground is AKS. Another possible way to reach this hunting area is to use Gnome Gliders and run South. Note: To use the Fairy Rings, you must have completed Fairy Tale Part I and up to step 8 on Fairy Tale Part II. A dramen or lunar staff is also required to operate the Fairy Rings. Also, to use Gnome Glider to Feldip Hills completion of One Small Favour and The Grand Tree quests.

The Strategy

Starting off hunting will not be very easy or fun. Your traps will fail most of the time and reaching level 2 might seem to take forever. A good amount of patience is required if you plan to get good at this skill. Head to the area south of Feldip Hills until you see Crimson Swift birds flying in the air. Go ahead and set your trap on the ground. Since you are just beginning to hunt, it's a good idea to step away from the trap slightly (7 - 9 squares away is fine) to help attract birds onto your snare. If a bird lands on your snare but does not get caught, you will need to dismantle it and reset it, otherwise no bird will attempt your trap. If your trap has stood for too long, it will fall over and appear as a typical item on the ground.

A trap can fall if:
  1. No creature has attempted it for too long.
  2. A creature attempted it but was not caught, and the player who set the trap did not dismantle it.
  3. A creature has been caught but the player who set the trap did not check and dismantle it.

You will receive bones and feathers which are associated with the bird you've caught. Or in this case, red feathers. They don't serve any special purpose other than the likes of regular chicken feathers such as feathering arrows and such. Keep catching crimson swifts until you are level 5, then you are ready to hunt a more challenging creature.

Golden Warblars (5 - 9)

  • Bird snare - Yanille Hunting Shop
  • Waterskins - Shantay Pass
  • Desert camo top (Optional) - Exchange for 2 Desert devil furs and 20gp at the Fancy Clothes Store in the southeastern section of Varrock past the gate.
  • Desert camo bottom (Optional) - Exchange for 2 Desert devil furs and 20gp at the Fancy Clothes Store in the southeastern section of Varrock past the gate.
  • Shanty Pass - Needed to get within the desert
  • 200 Gold pieces - Needed if you wish to use Magic Carpets
  • Dramen or Lunar Staff - If you wish to use Fairy Rings to get to this spot

Zybez RuneScape Help's Image of the Golden Warblar Hunting Area

How to get there

The fastest way to the Desert Hunting Area would be to use Magic Carpets. With the completion of the Golem quest, you can use the magic carpet to fly from Shanty Pass to the Ruins of Uzer. From there, head west until you reach the Hunting Area. If you have not done the Golem quest, it is suggested you use the Fairy Ring code DLQ and then head north to the Desert Hunting Area.

The Strategy

You will now be hunting in the desert, so be sure bring waterskins to help maintain yourself. Make your way past Shantay's Pass and stop at about halfway to Uzer. Go ahead and continue setting your traps as before until you reach level 9. There isn't much difference between hunting warblars and the crimson swifts.

Copper Longtails (9 - 19)

  • Bird snare - Yanille Hunting Shop
  • Wood camo top (Optional) - Exchange for 2 Common kebbit furs and 20gp at the Fancy Clothes Store in the southeastern section of Varrock past the gate.
  • Wood camo bottom (Optional) - Exchange for 2 Common kebbit furs and 20gp at the Fancy Clothes Store in the southeastern section of Varrock past the gate.
  • Dramen or Lunar Staff - If you wish to use Fairy Rings to get to this spot

Zybez RuneScape Help's Image of the Copper Longtail Hunting Area

How to get there

The Woodland spot is one of the easiest training spots to reach. The code for the fairy ring spot north of the Woodland Hunting Ground is AKQ. From there, just head south until you see Copper Longtails. Note: To use the Fairy Rings, you must have completed Fairy Tale Part I and up to step 8 on Fairy Tale Part II. A dramen or lunar staff is also required to operate the Fairy Rings.

The Strategy

To hunt copper longtails, you will need to make a long trip to the Piscatoris woods area if you do not have access to Fairy Rings. The longtails are a lot smarter than the swifts or warblars, therefore you will need a lot of patience to achieve level 19, which is when you will move on to the next creature.

Tropical Wagtails (19 - 33)

  • Bird snare - Yanille Hunting Shop
  • Jungle camo top (Optional) - Exchange for 2 Feldip weasel furs and 20gp at the Fancy Clothes Store in the southeastern section of Varrock past the gate.
  • Jungle camo bottom (Optional) - Exchange for 2 Feldip weasel furs and 20gp at the Fancy Clothes Store in the southeastern section of Varrock past the gate.
  • Dramen or Lunar Staff - If you wish to use Fairy Rings Guide to get to this spot

Zybez RuneScape Help's Image of the Tropical Wagtail Hunting Area

How to get there

As with the Crimson Swifts. Fairy Rings are an excellent way to reach the Jungle Hunting Area. The code for the Fairy Rings spot north of the Jungle Hunting Area is AKS. Another option would be to use Gnome Gliders and run South to the Hunting Area. To use the Fairy Rings, you must have completed Fairy Tale Part I and up to step 8 on Fairy Tale Part II. A dramen or lunar staff is also required to operate the Fairy Rings. Also, to use Gnome Glider to Feldip Hills completion of One Small Favour and The Grand Tree quests is required.

The Strategy

This is the last type of bird you will hunt. You'll be hunting slightly west of where you were hunting crimson swifts (levels 1 - 5). It would definitely be within your interest to bring another bird snare with you because you will be able to set up two traps at the same time upon reaching level 20.


Masking is a part of hunting which determines your success of convincing animals into your traps.

  • Smoking traps - This is simply a waste of time.
  • Baiting Traps - Again, no. Waste of inventory space and hardly helps save time.
  • Camouflaging - This is a definite must. For this you will need to wear fur clothes that match the area in which you hunt. This will decrease the amount of time that passes from the moment you set the trap until a creature will attempt it.
  • Polar - Northern/colder areas including the land which geographically resembles North America Rellekka. Wear Sabretooth or polar camo.
  • Wood - Piscatoris woods area and other forest-like environments. Wear Spined larupia or woodland camo.
  • Jungle - South of Feldip Hills and other jungle-like environments. Wear Spined larupia or jungle camo.
  • Desert - Southern/sandy areas including the hunting area between Uzer and Shantay Pass. Wear Horned graahk or desert camo.
  • Stepping away - Believe it or not, this does help decrease the amount of time it takes for a creature to attempt your trap. I myself haven't tried it so much after level 40 because by the time your level is high enough to set multiple traps at the same time, you're going to be spending more time running around and resetting your traps than running away and waiting for something to attempt it.

Experienced Hunting

Kebbits (33 - 53)

  • Knife - Outside of Lumbridge castle spawn.
  • Chisel - General stores
  • Any metal axe/hatchet - Buy from Bob's axes in Lumbridge.
  • Spined larupia hat (Recommended) - Exchange for 1 perfect larupia fur and 500gp at the Fancy Clothes Store in the southeastern section of Varrock past the gate.
  • Spined larupia top (Recommended) - Exchange for 1 tatty or perfect larupia fur and 100gp at the Fancy Clothes Store in the southeastern section of Varrock past the gate.
  • Spined larupia legs (Recommended) - Exchange for 1 tatty or perfect larupia fur and 100gp at the Fancy Clothes Store in the southeastern section of Varrock past the gate.
  • Dramen or Lunar Staff - If you wish to use Fairy Rings Guide to get to this spot

Zybez RuneScape Help's Image of the Barbtailed Kebbit Hunting Area

How to get there

As with the Crimson Swifts and Tropical Wagtails, the Fairy Rings are an excellent way to reach the Jungle Hunting Area. The code for the fairy ring spot north of the Jungle Hunting Area is AKS. Another option would be to use Gnome Gliders and run South to the Hunting Area. Note: To use the Fairy Rings, you must have completed Fairy Tale Part I and up to step 8 on Fairy Tale Part II. A dramen or lunar staff is also required to operate the Fairy Rings. Also, to use Gnome Glider to Feldip Hills completion of One Small Favour and The Grand Tree quests.

The Strategy

The fall technique is different from snaring birds. Once at the jungle, begin cutting down jungle trees because you will need a log for every time you reset your trap. This will become tiresome but the effort is worth it. You will hunt barbtailed kebbits by tricking them under a heavy rock. After gathering a reasonable amount of wood, go ahead and set up your trap one of the fall rock trap areas. Keep in mind that a fall trap can only be used by one person at a time, so you might have to battle with other hunters for the position. You will receive a barbtail harpoon for each kebbit you trap. Once you have one of their unique drop, you don't need anymore, so you can afford to drop them. Do Barbtailed Kebbits until level 45. Then do Prickly Kebbits. While doing the Prickly ones, use your chisel on the kebbit spikes. If you do this, you'll have about 2200 kebbit bolts.

Chinchompas (53 - 59)

  • 3 or more box traps - Yanille Hunting Shop
  • Spined larupia hat (Recommended) - Exchange for 1 perfect larupa fur and 500gp at the Fancy Clothes Store in the southeastern section of Varrock past the gate.
  • Spined larupia top (Recommended) - Exchange for 1 tatty or perfect larupa fur and 100gp at the Fancy Clothes Store in the southeastern section of Varrock past the gate.
  • Spined larupia legs (Recommended) - Exchange for 1 tatty or perfect larupa fur and 100gp at the Fancy Clothes Store in the southeastern section of Varrock past the gate.
  • Dramen or Lunar Staff - If you wish to use Fairy Rings to get to this spot

Zybez RuneScape Help's Image of the Chinchompa Hunting Area

How to get there

To reach the woodland spot, the fastest way would be to, again, use Fairy Rings. The code for the fairy ring spot north of the Woodland Hunting Ground is AKQ. From there, just head south until you see the Chinchompas. Note: To use the Fairy Rings, you must have completed Fairy Tale Part I and up to step 8 on Fairy Tale Part II. A dramen or lunar staff is also required to operate the Fairy Rings.

The Strategy

Trapping Chinchompas is similar to bird snaring. You will not need additional items besides box traps themselves, because you will be catching Chinchompas alive. Head back to the Piscatoris woods area and begin hunting the little devils.
Note: Chinchompas' properties resemble metal throwing knives: they can be wielded in one hand and used as ranged weapons.

Red Salamanders (59 - 80)
  • 3 or more small fishing nets - Most fishing shops such as at Port Sarim and Catherby.
  • 3 or more ropes - Shantay's Pass or Ardougne Adventurer's Shop.
  • Any camo headgear (Recommended)
  • Any camo top (Recommended)
  • Any camo bottom (Recommended)

Zybez RuneScape Help's Image of the Red Salamander Hunting Area

How to get there

This spot is a little more tricky than all the other hunting areas. To reach this hunting ground, the fastest way would probably be to use an Ardougne Teleport Spell (Level 51 Magic required and 2 Law and Water Runes). Another option would be to use the Watchtower teleport (Level 58 Magic required and 2 Law and Earth Runes). Even another option would be to use the Ring of Dueling to teleport to Castle Wars, and then walk a short distance north to the hunting area. Using the Ring of Dueling does not require a set magic level (good for skillers or others who do not wish to gain magic experience). Using the Watchtower teleport spell also requires completion of the Watch Tower quest). If you use the Ardougne Teleport, head south-west, through the battlefield and you're there. If you plan on using the Watchtower Teleport spell, head north to the battlefield, cross the bridge, head west and you're there.

The Strategy

Different camo suits don't have any significant effect on lava/wilderness hunting areas, but not wearing any camo clothing at all is a disadvantage. Head southwest of Ardougne until you find an altar with lava around it. Similar to the falls (33 - 53), each trap here can only be used by one person at a time, so prepare to defend your position (or change worlds). In this particular case, I would recommend using 3 of the 4 traps on the southwestern side of this hunting area because the traps are closer to each other, therefore not as much moving around is needed. You can keep releasing the salamanders as you catch them because you will not need them unless you plan on preparing them into weapons.

Master Hunting

Red (Carnivorous) Chinchompas (80 - 99)

  • 5 or more box traps - Yanille Hunting Shop
  • Spined larupia hat (Recommended) - Exchange for 1 perfect larupa fur and 500gp at the Fancy Clothes Store in the southeastern section of Varrock past the gate.
  • Spined larupia top (Recommended) - Exchange for 1 tatty or perfect larupa fur and 100gp at the Fancy Clothes Store in the southeastern section of Varrock past the gate.
  • Spined larupia legs (Recommended) - Exchange for 1 tatty or perfect larupa fur and 100gp at the Fancy Clothes Store in the southeastern section of Varrock past the gate.
  • Dramen Staff - If you wish to use Fairy Rings to get to this spot

Zybez RuneScape Help's Image of the Red Chinchompa Hunting Area

How to get there

As with the Crimson Swifts and Tropical Wagtails, the Fairy Rings are an excellent way to reach the Jungle Hunting Area. The code for the fairy ring spot north of the Jungle Hunting Area is AKS. Once there, head south until you reach the Hunting grounds. Another option would be to use Gnome Gliders and run south to the Hunting Area. Note: To use the Fairy Rings, you must have completed Fairy Tale Part I and up to step 8 on Fairy Tale Part II. A dramen or lunar staff is also required to operate the Fairy Rings. Also, to use Gnome Glider to Feldip Hills completion of One Small Favour and The Grand Tree quests.

The Strategy

If you think that hunting Red Chinchompas from this point to 99 is a joke, think again. At this point there is no more efficient method which required least effort and takes the least amount of time to gain experience than Red Chinchompas. This will be pretty much the same as catching Regular Chinchompas except that they'll be harder to catch.

7.0 - Impetuous Impulses

Impetuous Impulses is a minigame where your goal is to try and net some implings running around RuneScape and in their home plane of Puro-Puro. Finding an impling outside of Puro-Puro is harder so the xp is higher. See our Impetuous Impulses minigame guide for more information on these pesky creatures.

Picture Name Hunter Level Xp in Puro-Puro Xp in RuneScape
Zybez RuneScape Help's Screenshot of a Baby Impling Baby 17 18 20
Zybez RuneScape Help's Screenshot of a Young Impling Young 22 20 22
Zybez RuneScape Help's Screenshot of a Gourmet Impling Gourmet 28 22 24
Zybez RuneScape Help's Screenshot of a Earth Impling Earth 36 25 27
Zybez RuneScape Help's Screenshot of a Essence Impling Essence 42 27 29
Zybez RuneScape Help's Screenshot of a Eclectic Impling Eclectic 50 30 32
Zybez RuneScape Help's Screenshot of a Nature Impling Nature 58 34 36
Zybez RuneScape Help's Screenshot of a Magpie Impling Magpie 65 44 54
Zybez RuneScape Help's Screenshot of a Ninja Impling Ninja 74 50 60
Zybez RuneScape Help's Screenshot of a Dragon Impling Dragon 83 65 75

8.0 - Frequently Asked Questions
Zybez RuneScape Help's Hunter Potion Image
Q: Is there a potion that helps to boost my hunter level?

A: Yes. The hunter potion temporarily boosts your hunter level by 3.

Q: I've been waiting forever, why aren't the creatures attempting my trap?

A: This is probably because a creature has attempted your trap before. Simply dismantle and reset the trap.

Q: Why do the creatures always escape my trap when they attempt it?

A: Your hunting level isn't high enough to catch whatever you're trying to catch.

Q: Are you sure there's nothing better to catch for fast experience than Red Chinchompas?

A: Yes, most players have no other choice for fast experience other than possibly salamanders.

Q: Can I use the bird feathers to catch fish?

A: No. The only type of hunting feather you can use to catch fish is the stripy feather, to catch the rainbow fish.

Q: I've got tons of the hunter bird feathers, what do I do with them?

A: These feathers can be used for fletching arrows, so I'd recommend you keep them since they only occupy one inventory slot. Especially keep the stripy feathers if you want to fish Rainbow fish.

Q: Where can I collect swamp tar?

A: There are two places, one is the Mort Myre swamp and the other is Lumbridge swamp. It's rather better to collect them from the Lumbridge swamp, as Mort Myre swamps have Ghasts who can damage you.

9.0 - Quests for Experience

Quests with a choice Experience

Author: Denny, Jdudley8 and Damea

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