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OSRS RuneScape Quest Guides
» OSRS RuneScape Quest Guides » Great Brain Robbery, The

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- 2 Quest Points.
- 6,000 Prayer XP, 3,000 Crafting XP, 2,000 Construction XP, Blessed Lamp (5,000 XP in one skill).
- Items, Barrelchest Anchor, Prayer Book (heals poison when the prayer is recited, Holy Symbol required).

Start PointStart Point

Brother Tranquility, Mos Le'harmless.

Members Only

Difficulty Rating: 3/5
Length Rating: 3/5


Skill: 16 Crafting, 30 Construction, 50 Prayer.
Quest: Cabin Fever, Creature Of Fenkenstrain, Recipe for Disaster - Saving Pirate Pete Sub-Quest.
Item: Diving Apparatus and Helmet, Hammer, 100 Nails, 18 Normal Planks, Holy Symbol, Ring of Charos(a), 10 Furs.
Other: Ability to defeat a Barrelchest (Level 190).


Skill: 70+ Combat.
Item: Ectophial, Amulet of Glory, Food (Lobsters or Monkfish), Prayer potions, Armour (Rune or better).

The peaceful contemplation of the monks of Harmony Island has been disturbed by such rude interruptions as an invasion of zombie pirates and the theft of their brains! The evil zombie pirates have returned with a new scheme, and it's up to you to try to re-mind these poor priests before the sinister Mi-Gor completes his experiments...

Brother TranquilityPart 1:
The Pirate Zombies' Plans
Keep your Diving Apparatus on at all times or you will be poisoned.

Step 1
Speak to Brother Tranquility.
Enter the Zombie Pirate's Island.
Repair the Damaged stairs.
Learn of the Zombie Pirate's Plan.
Tell Brother Tranquility about the Plan.
Collect the Prayer book from the monastery.

Items needed: Diving Apparatus and Helmet, 20 Nails, Hammer, 4 Normal Planks, Cabbage or Holy Symbol.

Talk to Brother Tranquility on Mos Le'harmless and he will ask you to help him fend off some zombie pirates. Agree to help him and he will teleport you to an island called Harmony where he, other zombie monks, and zombie pirates live. For future reference, right click Brother Tranquility and select teleport.

Go to the Saradomin statue, north of the granary you were teleported to; beware of Zombie Pirates (level-57) (Picture) - you will see these all over the island. Pull the statue aside to reveal a hole and climb down it (Picture). Then you will see some stairs that lead into the water; go down them, you need your diving apparatus and helmet equipped (Picture).

Once you are in the tunnel, run through more zombie pirates to the end of it where you will see some damaged stairs. Repair them. You will need 10 nails (more if you bend some; you'd be safer with 20), a hammer, and 4 normal planks. Climb up the stairs and you will find yourself in a room with bookcases. Use the option "Peep Through Peephole" (Picture). You will find out the Zombie Pirates are planning on knocking out the monks with sleeping gas; report back to Brother Tranquility.

Tell Brother Tranquility the plot and he will send you to collect a prayer book from Edgeville Monastary, you will be teleported back to Mos Le'harmless. Go to the monastery and search the bookcase on the left side of the building; you will find the book of prayers (Picture). Read the book to find how to cure the monk's disease.

Pick the item asked by the book: Cabbage or Holy symbol. To get the cabbage, go south to the entrance of the mountain and then go North-East. Pick a head of cabbage in the patch north of the monastary. To get a holy symbol, go to Crafting Guild, mine silver, pick up the Holy mould (1st floor), smelt, complete with a ball of wool and have it blessed by the head monk in the monastary.

Return to Brother Tranquility who will teleport you back to Harmony and ask you to recite the prayer; do so.

Step 2
Talk to Brother Tranquility.
Talk to Dr. Fenkenstrain.
Make some Crates.
Make fake cats and fill the Crates.
Add False bottoms to the Crate.
Talk to Rufus and get the Receipt.
Teleport the Crates by using the Receipt on them.
Speak to Dr. Fenkenstrain.
Get the Keg, fuse and Tinderbox.

Items needed: Ectophial, Ring of Charos(a), 6 Crate Parts, 4 Normal Planks, Hammer, 30-50 Nails, 10 Fake Cats.

Talk to Brother Tranquility again and he will ask you to bring Dr. Fenkenstrain to help them get their brains back. Go to Dr. Fenkenstrain in his castle north of Canifis; he is at the top of the central tower. You will ask him to help get the monk's brains back but he will be scared to pass the werewolves. You must find another way to get him to Harmony. He will tell you to talk to Rufus, the shopkeeper of the food shop in Canifis, and arrange for him to be shipped over to Harmony in a crate (Picture). Zybez RuneScape Help's Screenshot of the crate

Go to Rufus with your Ring of Charos equipped. Ask him about the shipping order and he will say he wants cats in the crate and that they must be inspected. You will be given a wolf whistle to blow once you have made the crates and you will need to make some fake cats out of planks and fur on a crafting bench in your or your friend's house (Picture).

Get your fake cats and crate part and build the crates on the ghost crate image next to Fenkenstrain in the tower. You will need all 6 crate parts, a hammer, and 20 nails (again bring some extra in case you bend them). You will need to add a false bottom to the crate for the Fenksentrain to hide under; this requires 4 normal planks and 8 nails (still more in case you bend them). Next fill the crate with your 10 fake cats.

After that, you will need to blow your whistler and Rufus will appear and inspect the crate. After he leaves, he will give you a receipt. When he does this, you need to use it on the crate and the crate will teleport. Once the crate and the doctor have been moved, you will need to go back to Harmony and talk to Dr. Fenkenstrain. He will ask you to get some items for him. The items are: Cranial Clamp, Pair of Brain Tongs, three bell jars, at least 30 skull staples and a Hammer.

To get the items he asks for, you will need to go to the church north of where Brother Tranquility is. You will find the door to be blocked, so you need to go and get a powder keg, fuse, and a tinderbox from the ghost ship north of the church. Search the locker to get the fuse, go up the ladder and get a tinderbox. Finally, go and get a keg from the top deck of the ghost ship.

Part 2:
Confronting Mi-Gor

Step 3
Kill Sorebones for the items.
Give the items to Dr. Fenkenstrein.
Confront Mi-Gor
Defeat Mi-Gor's bodyguard Barrelchest

Items needed: Tinderbox, Armour, Weapons, 15+ Food.

When you have these three items go back to the blockaded door of the church and use the keg on the door, then the fuse, and finally use the tinderbox on the fuse to destroy the door (Picture). Kill the Sorebones (level-57) (Picture) to get all of the items you need except for the hammer.

Once you have all of the items the doctor asked for, go back and talk to Dr. Fenkenstrain and he will perform the operation right then. Now that they are back to normal, talk to Brother Tranquility and he will tell you to confront Mi-Gor who is in the church north of where you are now. Before you go and confront Mi-Gor, don't forget to drop by a bank and withdraw a weapon, armour, around three prayer potions, and 12+ pieces of food for the upcoming battle.

Now that you are ready for the final battle, go back to the church and confront Mi-Gor and his bodyguard Barrelchest (level-190) will appear and attack you. During the fight your prayer will fall faster than normal. Once he is dead he will drop a broken Barrelchest Anchor which can be made into a weapon. Zybez RuneScape Help's Image of a Barrelchest

Once you have confronted Mi-Gor and killed his bodyguard, return to Brother Tranquility and tell him that Mi-Gor has fled for your reward.

Zybez RuneScape Help's Screenshot of the Great Brain Robbery Quest Scroll
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: How do I fix the broken barrelchest anchor?

A: You will need to pay the pirate Smith who is found near Brother Tranquility on Mos Le'harmless 230,000GP as well as be having the book of piracy in your inventory for him to fix it.

Q: I lost the anchor, how do I get it back?

A: If you talk to Brother Tranquility, he will give you another broken one.

Author: Warrior 6699 and Zug313

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