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» OSRS Tome Archive » The Cadarn Lineage

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The Cadarn family is one of the oldest elf clan names. Able to trace its blood line back to one of the eight families brought here by Seren in the 2nd age, it was the Cadarns' responsibility to protect the other 7 clans from any hostility encountered while colonizing this new world. Not much is known about the first generations of elves to walk this land. The only remaining documentation is the ancestry records.

It's not until the start of the 3rd age that we find surviving transcripts and these are few and far between. In the 3rd age there was constant battling between the different gods and their followers. The need for protection in these troubled times made the Cadarn clan one of the most powerful in the elven domain. After centuries of fighting the war finally ended when the gods realized that they would destroy the very thing they were fighting over. The gods chose to agree on a pact of non-influence.

With no great threat left the Cadarn clan found that their skills were of little use in Tirannwn. At the start of the 4th age the Cadarn family spearheaded an expansion into the lands east of Arandar. The occupation lasted for several centuries, before its final collapse near the end of the 4th age. With the death of Baxtorian Cadarn and his sons not yet of age to rule, the elven clan returned to Tirannwn leaderless. The Cadarn clan lost much standing within the elven council in this time. This led to a cessation of all exploits within the east land and the eventual closure of all routes through Arandar.

Item Name: Cadarn LineageZybez RuneScape Help's Book Image
Author: Myst

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