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The Missing Relics

Many artifacts of elven history were lost after the fourth age. The greatest loss to our collections of elf history were the hidden treasures of Baxtorian. Some believe these treasures are still unclaimed, but it is more commonly believed that dwarf miners recovered the treasure at the beginning of the third age. Another great loss was Glarial's pebble, a key which allowed her family to visit her tomb. The stone was taken by a gnome family over a century ago. It is believed that the gnomes' descendant Golrie still has the stone hidden in the caves under the gnome tree village.

The sonnet of Baxtorian

The love between Baxtorian and Glarial was said to have lasted over a century. They lived a peaceful life learning and teaching the laws of nature. When Baxtorian's kingdom was invaded by the dark forces he left on a five year campaign. He returned to find his people slaughtered and his wife taken by the enemy. After years of searching for his love he finally gave up and returned to the home he made for Glarial under the Baxtorian Waterfall. Once he entered he never returned. Only Glarial had the power to also enter the waterfall. Since Baxtorian entered, no one but her can follow him in, it's as if the powers of nature still work to protect him.

The powers of nature

Glarial and Baxtorian were masters of nature. Trees would grow, hills form and rivers flood on their command. Baxtorian in particular had perfected rune lore. It was said he could use the stones to control water, earth and air.

Ode to eternity

A short piece written by Baxtorian himself. What care I for this mortal coil, where treasures are yet so frail, for it is you that is my life blood, the wine to my holy grail, and if I see the judgment day, when the gods fill the air with dust, I'll happily choke on your memory, as my kingdom turns to rust.

Item Name: Book On BaxtorianZybez RuneScape Help's Book Image
Author: Myst

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