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The Tale Of Scorpius:

A History of Astrology in RuneScape.

At the start of the 4th age a learned man called by the name of Scorpius known well for his powers of vision and magic, sought communication with the gods of the world. After many years of study he developed a machine infused with magic power, with the ability to pierce into the very heavens. A huge eye that gave the user incredible sight like never before. As time passed, Scorpius grew adept at his specialized skills, and followed the movements of the stars in RuneScape, which he mapped and named, and are still used to this very day. Before long Scorpius used his knowledge for predicting the future, and gaining dark knowledge. Years after his death, the plans of Scorpius were uncovered at a Zamorakian worship site, and the heavenly eye constructed again. Since then many have learned the ways of the Astrologer. Some claim his ghost still wanders ever seeking his evil master Zamorak and he will grant those adept in the arts of the Astrologer, a blessing of unusual power...
...Here ends the tale of how Astrology entered the known world.

Item Name: Astrology BookZybez RuneScape Help's Book Image
Author: Robin Hilton, Myst

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