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OSRS RuneScape Quest Guides
» OSRS RuneScape Quest Guides


Difficulty Beginner. Talk to a few people, nothing strenuous, no puzzles involved.
Difficulty Mild. Some parts may require a little thinking, fairly easy creatures to defeat.
Difficulty Intermediate. Nothing the average player shouldn't be able to handle.
Difficulty Hard. May be powerful monsters to defeat, difficult puzzles to crack or long distances to trek.
Difficulty Experienced. One of the harder quests in the game. Watch out for powerful NPCs or confusing and lengthy tasks.
Difficulty Master. One of the hardest quests in the game. Watch out for powerful NPCs or brain-racking puzzles.
Difficulty Grandmaster. This quest is one of the biggest and hardest in the game, with loads of high level requirements, powerful NPCs to beat and other challenging tasks to complete.


Length Very short. Generally finished within 20 minutes and doesn't require much wandering around.
Length Short. May take about 20-40 minutes due to a bit of exploring, or long quest conversations.
Length Medium. May take 40-60mins depending on methods of transport.
Length Long. Could take anywhere from 1-3 hours.
Length Very long. May take 3-4 hours depending on your combat level, skills and equipment.
Length Very, very long. May take 4-6 hours depending on your combat level, skills and equipment.
Length Uber long. May take 6+ hours depending on your combat level, skills and equipment.

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