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» OSRS RuneScape Monster Database » Arzinian Avatar of Magic

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Arzinian Avatar of Magic
Picture of Arzinian Avatar of Magic
Quest:Between a rock...
Attack Style:Magic
Examine:It is the avatar of the Arzinian Being of Bordanzan, representing magic.

Kills per min:Average Combat XP per hour:
Average HP XP per hour:

Where Found:Between the rock, Keldagrim
Tactic:To be able to defeat this avatar you must have at least six gold ores in your inventory. The more ores, the weaker the avatar becomes.
Notes:The avatar prays on your weaknesses, and as such, will appear in the form that would take you longer to kill. This means that if you wear melee armor he will use magic etc. Be sure you have the protection prayer for whatever way you chose for him to attack you.

Credits:Ben_Goten78; Aserwarth
Last Modified:Friday June 8th, 2007

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