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Zybez RuneScape Help's Screenshot of the Skull Sceptre
Table of Contents

Zybez RuneScape Help's Screenshot of the Entrance to the Stronghold
1.0 - Introduction

The Stronghold of Security is one of the first free to play releases by Jagex since RuneScape II. It is a fairly simple game, with interesting rewards. The rewards include new emoticons, a bit of money, and unlocking new training areas, with a few new monsters. Each level of the dungeon changes in degree of difficulty as you go lower - this is noticed in the monster's levels; not the questions.

Before setting out to play this mini game, you should prepare yourself. Bring some form of armour and weapon, as well as a little bit of food if you plan to go all the way through the dungeon. When you believe you're ready, head to the middle of Barbarian Village, by the coal and tin mine.

Here you will find Litara, whose brother, an explorer, disappeared down in the dank, dark dungeon some time ago. She will ask you to keep your eyes open for him. Unfortunately, when you enter the dungeon after climbing down the entrance hole, you find the explorer's skeleton rotting away by the first Gates of War. Search the skeleton to find her brother's notes on the Stronghold of Security.

The objective of this mini-game is to simply learn more about what you should be doing to make sure your account is secure, and remains secure.

2.0 - The Questions

Below is a table showing the questions asked within the Stronghold of Security, as well as the answers. Note that you may oftentimes go through even if you fail the question; sometimes you may be asked another question as well.

Question Answer
A website claims that they can make me a player moderator if I give them my password. What should I do? Don't tell them anything and inform Jagex through the game website.
Can I leave my account logged in while I'm out of the room? No.
My friend uses this great add-on program he got from a website, should I? No, it might steal my password.
My friend asks me for my password so that he can do a difficult quest for me. Don't give him my password.
Recovery answers should be... Memorable.
What are your recovery questions used for? To recover my account if i don't remember my password.
What is a good example of a Bank PIN? The birthday of a famous person or event.
What do you do if someone asks you for your password or recoveries to make you a member for free? Don't tell them anything and click the Report Abuse button.
What do you do if someone asks you for your password or recoveries to make you a player moderator? Don't tell them anything and click the Report Abuse button.
What do you do if someone tells you that you have won the RuneScape lottery and asks you for your password and recoveries to award your prize? Don't tell them anything and click the Report Abuse button.
What do I do if I think I have a keylogger or a virus? Virus scan my computer then change my password and recoveries.
What do I do if a moderator asks me for my account details? Politely tell them no then use the report abuse button.
What should I do if I think someone knows my recoveries? Use the recover a lost password section.
Where can I find cheats for RuneScape? Nowhere.
Where should I enter my password for RuneScape? Only on the RuneScape website.
Will Jagex block me for saying my PIN ingame? No.
Who can I give my password to? Nobody.
Why do I need to type in recovery questions? To help me recover my password if I forget it or if it is stolen.

3.0 - The Stronghold

The stronghold is an interesting dungeon, with its different themes on each floor, and each lower floor becoming slightly more difficult. This dungeon is a great place to train for free players. When first entering a level, you will notice a glowing yellow portal. This portal allows you to teleport to the reward room of whichever floor you are on, as long as you have completed that level already.

3.1 - The Vault of War
Zybez RuneScape Help's Screenshot of the Gift of Peace Chest

This level contains goblins (level 5 & 16), wolves (level 14 & 11), and the new Minotaur (level 12 & 27). The reward room for this level is in the middle of the eastern-side. You will have to pass through a number of Gates of War, answering questions concerning account and computer safety to continue. If you climb up the chains scattered throughout this level, you will find yourself back at the start of the level.

When you reach the rewards room, open the Gift of Peace chest, and you will receive 2,000gp and the flap emoticon. To advance to the next level, climb down the ladder in this room. To leave, climb up the ladder.

Zybez RuneScape Help's Screenshot of the Grain of Plenty
3.2 - The Catacomb of Famine

This level contains zombies (levels 30, 44 & 53), giant rats (level 26) and new Flesh crawlers (levels 28, 35 & 41). The reward room for this level is located in the middle of the area. On this floor, most monsters are aggressive toward you, so they can placate their hunger. If you climb up the ladders scattered throughout this level, you will find yourself back at the start of the level.

When you reach the rewards room, search the Grain of Plenty, and you will receive 3,000gp and the slap head emoticon. To advance to the next level, climb down the ladder in this room. To leave, climb up the ladder.

3.3 - The Pit of Pestilence
Zybez RuneScape Help's Screenshot of the Box of Health Chest

This level contains poison scorpions (level 59), giant spiders (level 50), spiders (level 24) and new Catablepon (levels 49, 64 & 68). The Catablepon are magical beasts, and if provoked, will attack you until you leave. Catablepon just cast weaken up to 10% of your strenght. It is not worth wearing mage protective armour, because if you use strength potion you get weakened immediately. The reward room for this level is located in the middle of the area. If you climb up the ladders scattered throughout this level, you will find yourself back at the start of the level.

When you reach the rewards room, open the Box of Health, and you will receive 5,000gp and the idea emoticon. All your stats will also be restored to their normal levels. To advance to the next level, climb down the ladder in this room. To leave, climb up the ladder.

Zybez RuneScape Help's Screenshot of the Cradle of Life
3.4 - The Sepulchre of Death

This is the final, and most difficult level of the stronghold. This level contains ghosts (level 76), skeletons (level 68) and the new, Ankou (level 86) The reward room for this level is located in the middle of the area. If you climb up the ladders scattered throughout this level, you will find yourself back at the start of the level.

When you reach the rewards room, search the Cradle of Life, and you will be able to choose from fancy or fighting boots, and will also get the stamp foot emoticon. The stats of the fancy boots are shown below. Note that you can swap your choice for the other type whenever you want to. Climb the chain to leave.

Fancy boots Fighting boots Attack Bonus Defence bonus
Zybez RuneScape Help's image of Free Player's Colorful boots Zybez RuneScape Help's image of Free Player's Fighting boots Stab: +0 Magic: -3 Stab: +1 Magic: +0
Slash: +0 Slash: +2
Crush: +0 Range: -1 Crush: +3 Range: +0

Zybez RuneScape Help's Screenshot of Climbing out of the Stronghold of Security

The Monsters & Sceptre

The skull sceptre is a unique item to free players, allowing the bearer to teleport to barbarian village five times by invoking the magic held within. Use the divine feature of the sceptre and you will find out how many charges remain on your sceptre. When the sceptre runs out of charges, it will disappear and you will have to re-collect the pieces of the sceptre. Each of the new monsters will drop one part of the sceptre as an uncommon drop. The stats of the skull sceptre are shown below:

Zybez RuneScape Help's Screenshot of Assembling the Sceptre

Skull Sceptre Attack Bonus Defence bonus
Zybez RuneScape Help's image of the Skull Sceptre Stab: +0 Magic: +4 Stab: +2 Magic: +4
Slash: -1 Slash: +3
Crush: +7 Range: +0 Crush: +3 Range: +0
Other Bonus Strength: +3

Below are the monsters you must kill in order to attain the Skull Sceptre. These new monsters are also very good training for free players, whether it be range, melee or mage training.

Picture Information
Zybez RuneScape Help's Screenshot of a Minotaur Name Minotaur
Level 12 and 27
Drops Skull right half, bones, coins, noted tin ore(1), noted copper ore(1), noted rune essence(5), bronze arrows, iron arrows, bronze full helm, uncut gems, mind rune(1), cooked meat, bronze spear, noted pure essence(15), clue scroll (lvl 1), bronze dagger. Zybez RuneScape Help's Skull Right Half Image
Tactic Good training for lower level free players. There are plenty of safe spots where the Minotaurs are found, and as such, make them good for training mage and range.
Notes Minotaur are the fiercest warrior-beasts in mythology. However, they are shown as weaklings in the Vault of War level of the Stronghold of Security.
Zybez RuneScape Help's Screenshot of a Flesh Crawler Name Flesh Crawler
Level 28, 35 and 41
Drops Sceptre bottom, coins, ashes, noted iron ore(4-6), nature runes(5), fire runes(42-48), body runes(4-7), iron ore(1), uncut gems, silver bar, herbs, dust runes(4), nature talisman, rune javelins(5), herbs, half keys, shield left half. Zybez RuneScape Help's Sceptre Bottom Image
Tactic These are fairly good training for low-mid level free players. They spawn very quickly, and have a low attack and strength level, so you should be able to kill them efficiently.
Notes Flesh Crawlers are the result of starved creatures, turned to feeding on bypassing players for sustenance. Despite this, they are fairly easy to defeat. For members, flesh crawlers are very good for herb collecting.
Zybez RuneScape Help's Screenshot of a Catablepon Name Catablepon
Level 49, 64 and 68
Drops Sceptre top, bones, coins, noted rune essence(15), cooked trout, water runes, fire runes, law runes, uncut gems, mithril arrows, noted coal(5), eye of newt, herbs, noted pure essence(15), adamant med helm, unlit torch, Clue scroll (level-2), Shield left half Zybez RuneScape Help's Sceptre Top Image
Tactic Wear armour that gives magical a solid defence bonus if training on these, as they can cast weaken.
Notes Catablepon are like small bulls, with magical abilities. They have a high magic defence. It is wise not to provoke them if you do not wish to be attacked.
Zybez RuneScape Help's Screenshot of Ankou Name Ankou
Level 75, 82 and 86
Drops Skull left half, coins, bones, death runes(10), law runes(2), adamant arrows, noted mithril ores(4-7), black robes (top), uncut ruby, blood runes(5-11), noted pure essence(15), black knifes, herbs, weapon poison, fried mushrooms, bass, nature talisman, watermelon seeds, Clue scroll (level-3), Shield left half. Zybez RuneScape Help's Skull Left Half Image
Tactic These ethereal beings are very powerful, so meleeing them is not advised. There are a few safe spots in their lair however, where you can freely range or mage them without being attacked.
Notes They are surrounded by aggressive Skeletons.
Author: Ben_Goten78, Prince, Robin

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