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OSRS RuneScape Dungeon Maps
» Runescape Dungeon Maps » Clock Tower Dungeon

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The clock tower dungeon is mainly used in the Clock Tower quest. It has some good training spots for lower levels on the dungeon rats. There are also some ogres for higher level players to train on. There are also some NPC's in cages in the west part of the dungeon where players can retrieve the arrows by climbing up to the surface then down the appropriate ladder. The Clock tower dungeon is located slightly south of Ardougne

Zybez RuneScape Help Clock Tower Dungeon Map Zybez RuneScape Help Dungeon Rat Key Dungeon Rat (Level 12)
Zybez RuneScape Help's Giant Spider Key Giant Spider (level 2)
Zybez RuneScape Help's Goblin Key Goblin (level 5)
Zybez RuneScape Help Ogre Key Ogre (Level 53)
Zybez RuneScape Help's Thief Key Thief (level 14)

Mapped By: TheExtremist

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