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OSRS RuneScape Monster Database
» OSRS RuneScape Monster Database » Skeleton

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Picture of Skeleton
Max Hit:5
Attack Style:Melee
Examine:Could do with gaining a few pounds.

Kills per min:Average Combat XP per hour:
Average HP XP per hour:

Where Found:Karamja Volcano dungeon; Edgeville dungeon, level 5 Wilderness; Temple of Ikov
Drops:Bones, Coins (5-85), Bronze bar, Iron scimitar, Iron sword, Iron axe, Iron arrows (12), Herbs, Air runes (15), Water runes (9), Cosmic runes (2), Law runes (2)
Tactic:These are great training for free players. They can be maged or meleed in the Karamja volcano dungeon fairly easily. However, they are fairly strong, so make sure you bring along plenty of food and rune armour. Crumble undead is a powerful spell against skeletons. Also, if you're a member and have the salve amulet you get 15% attack and strength bonus which makes killing these very efficient.

Credits:Ben_Goten78; StephenDA18; Aserwarth
Last Modified:Saturday August 4th, 2007

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