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» OSRS RuneScape Miscellaneous Guides » Barbarian Training

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1.0 - Introduction

The Barbarians of RuneScape have decided to begin training new warriors, but a barbarian must not only be strong and hardened, he or she must also be able to train their skills the way barbarians do.

If you speak to Otto Godblessed in Otto's Grotto, on top of Baxtorian Falls he will begin training you. You can get there quickly by using the Game necklace teleport to the Barbarian Outpost and running south. When you begin you will receive a log book, which can be used to look back on what he has instructed you to do throughout the tasks. Later on if you ask about the Ancient Cave under the lake he will give a note book that is blank at first. You add to the book as you find ancient pages in the dungeon, usually collected by searching skeletons on the cave floor, be careful though as when you search them sometimes a Skeleton (level-132) will attack you.

Note: For faster banking it is recommended to climb the Agility shortcut (level-37 Agility required) at the corner of Gnome Stronghold and walking to the grand tree bank.

2.0 - Barbarian Skills

Barbarians have their own methods of training Fishing, Herblore, Smithing and Firemaking. Higher level players should pay attention to these methods as they can be faster and give more experience in training.

2.1 - Fishing

Fishing with your hands

Speak to Otto Godblessed about the barbarian fishing methods; he will talk to you about catching fish with your arms instead of a harpoon. In order to be able to fish without a harpoon you must have at least level-55 fishing and must have caught at least one fish by harpooning.

Go to an area where you can harpoon swordfish, tuna or sharks; the Fishing Guild and Catherby are good choices. Click on the harpoon spot as you would normally, but without a harpoon equipped or in your inventory and you will catch a fish using your arm as bait!

Picture Name Required Fishing Level Strength Level Required Fishing Experience Strength Experience
Zybez RuneScape Help's Raw Tuna Image Tuna 55 35 80 8
Zybez RuneScape Help's Raw Swordfish Image Swordfish 70 50 100 10
Zybez RuneScape Help's Raw Shark Image Shark 96 76 110 11

Heavy Rod Fishing

Speak to Otto once more and this time ask about fishing rod methods, he will tell you that barbarians use stronger fishing rods to catch leaping fish in the lake nearby. Search under his bed and collect a heavy barbarian rod, make sure to also have fishing bait or feathers on you. Use the fishing spots around the lake and hook a leaping fish (you must have at least level-48 fishing).

Picture Name Required Fishing Level Strength and Agility Level Required Fishing Experience Strength and Agility Experience
Zybez RuneScape Help's Screenshot of a Leaping Trout Leaping trout 48 15 50 5
Zybez RuneScape Help's Screenshot of a leaping Salmon Leaping salmon 58 30 70 6
Zybez RuneScape Help's Screenshot of a Leaping sturgeon Leaping sturgeon 70 45 80 7

2.2 - Herblore

Speak to Otto and he will tell you that the fish you caught in the lake are full of eggs. Speak to him again and ask about the secrets of Herblore. He will tell you to use a knife with the fish you caught to obtain 'roe' or 'caviar', and then use these items with a 2 dose attack potion (2) to create a 2 dose attack mix (level-4 Herblore required). Mixes up to energy, you can use roe OR caviar. For mixes over or including energy, you will need to use caviar. Sometimes when cutting a fish you will receive fish parts, these can be used as bait when fishing with a rod. Potion mixes can give a varying range of bonuses to skills, meaning they can give a higher or lower bonus than average potions. Each dose of a potion mix also heals 3-6 hitpoints.

Note: You can get a two dose of any potion without drinking it by creating a four dose potion (adding a three dose to another three dose to get a 4 dose and a 2 dose); or by using a four dose potion with an empty vial to get two, two dose potions.

Name Picture Herblore Level Herblore XP Effect
Attack mix Zybez RuneScape Help's Screenshot of an Attack Mix 4 8 + 10-15% to attack level.
Anti-poison mix Zybez RuneScape Help's Screenshot of an Antipoison Potion 6 12 Cures poison and gives a small amount of immunity.
Relicym's balm mix Zybez RuneScape Help's Screenshot of a Relicym's Balm Potion 9 14 Cures disease.
Strength mix Zybez RuneScape Help's Screenshot of a Strength Potion 14 17 + 10-15% to strength level.
Stat-restore mix Zybez RuneScape Help's Screenshot of a Restore Potion 24 21 Restores lowered combat stats (excl. hit points and prayer).
Energy mix Zybez RuneScape Help's Screenshot of a Energy Potion 29 23 Restores 10% energy.
Defence mix Zybez RuneScape Help's Screenshot of a Defense Potion 33 25 + 10-15% to defence level.
Agility mix Zybez RuneScape Help's Screenshot of a Agility Potion 37 27 + 3 agility levels.
Combat mix Zybez RuneScape Help's Screenshot of a Combat Potion 40 28 + 3-12 Strength and Attack levels.
Restore prayer mix Zybez RuneScape Help's Screenshot of a Prayer Potion 42 29 Restores 7-31 Prayer points (7-33 when carrying the Blessed Wrench)
Super attack mix Zybez RuneScape Help's Screenshot of a Super Attack Potion 47 33 + 20% to attack level.
Super anti-poison mix Zybez RuneScape Help's Screenshot of a Super Antipoison Potion 51 35 Cures poison and gives temporary resistance to further poison.
Fishing mix Zybez RuneScape Help's Screenshot of a Fishing Potion 53 38 + 3 fishing levels.
Super energy mix Zybez RuneScape Help's Screenshot of a Super Energy Potion 56 39 Restores 20% energy.
Hunter mix Zybez RuneScape Help's Screenshot of a Hunter Potion 58 40 + 3 Hunter levels.
Super strength mix Zybez RuneScape Help's Screenshot of a Super Strength Potion 59 42 + 20% to strength level.
Magic Essence mix Zybez RuneScape Help's Screenshot of a Magic Essence Potion 61 43 + 3 magic levels.
Super restore mix Zybez RuneScape Help's Screenshot of a Super Restore Potion 67 48 Restores all lowered stats* by 33.8% (average). *excluding hit points
Super defence mix Zybez RuneScape Help's Screenshot of a Super Defence Potion 71 50 + 20% to defence level.
Extra strong anti-poison mix Zybez RuneScape Help's Screenshot of a Super Antipoison Potion 74 52 Cures poison and gives temporary resistance to further poison.
Anti fire-breath mix Zybez RuneScape Help's Screenshot of a Anti-Fire Breath Potion 75 53 Temporary resistance to fire breath (excl. King black dragon).
Ranging mix Zybez RuneScape Help's Screenshot of a Ranging Potion 80 54 + 15% to range level.
Magic mix Zybez RuneScape Help's Screenshot of a Magic Potion 83 57 + 4 magic levels.
Zamorak mix Zybez RuneScape Help's Screenshot of a Zamorak Brew 85 58 Lowers hit points and defence by 10%, while increasing strength, attack and prayer by 15-20%

2.3 - Smithing

Speak to Otto about the barbarian spears. He will ask you to grab a metal bar and log type of the same level, (for instance steel bar for willow logs, bronze bar for normal logs), and use them with the special anvil outside his house. Remember to take a hammer with you. You will make a spear by doing this, speak to Otto again and then ask about the one-handed spears or, Hastas.

Otto will only educate you on how to manufacture hastas if you have completed Tai Bwo Wannai Trio quest. To make a hasta gather the same resources you used to make a spear, then when you use the bar with the barbarian anvil and select the hasta.

Picture Name Requirements Wood Required Smithing Level Required Smithing Experience Stat Bonuses
Attack Defence Other
Zybez RuneScape Help's Screenshot of a Bronze hasta Bronze Hasta None Wood 5 25 Stab: +5, Slash: +5, Crush: +5, Magic: +0, Range: +0 Stab: -1, Slash: -1, Crush: -1, Magic: +0, Range: -1 Strength: +6, Prayer: +0
Zybez RuneScape Help's Screenshot of an Iron hasta Iron Hasta None Oak 20 50 Stab: +8, Slash: +8, Crush: +8, Magic: +0, Range: +0 Stab: -2, Slash: -2, Crush: -2, Magic: +0, Range: -2 Strength: +10, Prayer: +0
Zybez RuneScape Help's Screenshot of a Steel hasta Steel Hasta 5 Attack Willow 35 75 Stab: +12, Slash: +12, Crush: +12, Magic: +0, Range: +0 Stab: -3, Slash: -3, Crush: -3, Magic: +0, Range: -3 Strength: +12, Prayer: +0
Zybez RuneScape Help's Screenshot of a Mithril hasta Mithril Hasta 20 Attack Maple 55 100 Stab: +17, Slash: +17, Crush: +17, Magic: +0, Range: +0 Stab: -5, Slash: -5, Crush: -4, Magic: +0, Range: -5 Strength: +18, Prayer: +0
Zybez RuneScape Help's Screenshot of a Addy hasta Adamant Hasta 30 Attack Yew 75 125 Stab: +24, Slash: +24, Crush: +24, Magic: +0, Range: +0 Stab: -6, Slash: -7, Crush: -5, Magic: +0, Range: -6 Strength: +28, Prayer: +0
Zybez RuneScape Help's Screenshot of a Rune hasta Rune Hasta 40 Attack Magic 90 150 Stab: +36, Slash: +36, Crush: +36, Magic: +0, Range: +0 Stab: -10, Slash: -10, Crush: -9, Magic: +0, Range: -10 Strength: +42, Prayer: +0

2.4 - Firemaking

Lighting logs with bows

Firstly speak to Otto and ask about barbarian firemaking skills, he will tell you to take a bow and use it with oaken (oak) logs as a way of lighting them without a tinderbox. You can use any type of bow except ogre, dark bows, or crystal bows and lighting logs in this manner gives the same experience as lighting them with a tinderbox. After lighting your first logs, speak to Otto again to be able to continue.

Note: The next step can be dangerous and requires the use of combat gear, anti-dragonfire shields, anti-fire potions, super sets, teleports out and high healing food are highly recommended inside the cave.

Funeral Pyre Ships
Zybez RuneScape Help's Screenshot of the Funeral Pyre

After lighting the logs, talk to Otto again and he will instruct you on how to burn and create pyre ship funerals for dead barbarians. For a funeral pyre, you need any type of log (though remember to note that the higher the level wood, the longer you receive prayer experience from burying bones after the procedure), and the chewed bones of a dead barbarian warrior. The remains of barbarians can be gathered in the Ancient Cavern (can be reached by jumping into the whirlpool in the lake); fight the more difficult creatures in the cavern and they will either drop mangled or chewed bones, however, the mangled bones don't reward you when burnt and instead cause a Ferocious/Enraged/Angry/Berserk Barbarian Spirit (level-166) to attack. Be careful in the cave to avoid being attacked by the monsters as you gather bones. You can leave the cave by the logs at the edge of the underground river.

Once you have logs, the chewed bones, and a bow or tinderbox, you can build a pyre at the edge of the lake north of Otto using a "Pyre-site." The burning of the remains will give you Firemaking experience, and a bonus depending on the logs you used, to the experience gained when burying bones. When you burn the remains you will be given a reward for setting the hero's spirit free, which can even be the Dragon full helmet! Speak to Otto once more to complete your training.

Picture Name Required Firemaking/Crafting Level Firemaking Experience Crafting Experience Bones Buried Withholding Enchantment
Zybez RuneScape Help's Log Image Normal log 11 40 10 1
Zybez RuneScape Help's Achey Tree Log Image Achey log 11 40 10 1
Zybez RuneScape Help's Oak Log Image Oak log 25 60 15 2
Zybez RuneScape Help's Willow Log Image Willow log 40 90 22.5 2
Zybez RuneScape Help's Teak Log Image Teak log 45 105 26.2 3
Zybez RuneScape Help's Log Image Artic Pine log 52 125 31.2 3
Zybez RuneScape Help's Maple Log Image Maple log 55 135 33.7 3
Zybez RuneScape Help's Mahogany Log Image Mahogany log 60 157.5 39.3 4
Zybez RuneScape Help's Yew Log Image Yew log 70 202.5 50.6 4
Zybez RuneScape Help's Magic Log Image Magic log 85 303.8 75.9 5

3.0 - Ancient Cavern
Zybez RuneScape Help's Screenshot of Paddling out of the Ancient Cavern

The Ancient Cavern is one of the most dangerous dungeons in all of RuneScape, all players that enter the area should be well prepared to face brutal green and mithril dragons, and other high level monsters that can attack in more than one way.

To access the dungeon you will need to have got to funeral pyre burning instructions with Otto Godblessed. You access the dungeon by jumping into the whirlpool off the jetty, at the edge of the lake on top of Baxtorian falls. If you need to escape the dungeon and have no teleport, the only way out is by canoeing on logs down an underground river out of the caves that takes you downstream.

Author: Tzu Men

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