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OSRS RuneScape Dungeon Maps
» Runescape Dungeon Maps » Uzer Dungeon

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The Uzer dungeon can be found at the Ruins of Uzer which is located southeast of the Shantay Pass in the Kharidian desert. First you must cross the River Elid, and then walk due East. The fastest way to get there is to use the Magic Carpet in Shantay Pass, and choose the Uzer option. You must have started the Shadow of the Storm quest to use the Magic Carpet ride to Uzer, as well as to enter the second level of the Uzer Dungeon (right map) where Thammaron's carcass is resting.

Zybez RuneScape Help's Uzer Dungeon MapZybez RuneScape Help's Ghost Key Ghost (Level 19)
Mapped By: Abecedar

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