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OSRS RuneScape Shops Database
» Runescape Shop Database

This database is a collection of detailed information about every shop in RuneScape. If you every wanted to know how much an item costs at a certain shop or simply want to find out where you can buy something, this is the place to look. You can either simply browse the pages of this database using the page-numbers at the bottom or you can use the search feature below to narrow down your search.

Browsing 5 Entries Search for Page 1 of 1
Name: ASC DESC Location: ASC DESC Members? ASC DESC Shopkeeper: ASC DESC
Ali's Water Cart Nardah Yes Ali the Carter
Nardah General Store Nardah Yes Kazemde
Nardah Hunter Shop Nardah Yes Artimeus
Rok's Chocs Box Nardah Yes Rokuh
Seddu's Adventurer's Shop Nardah Yes Seddu

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