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» OSRS RuneScape Monster Database » Penance Queen

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Penance Queen
Picture of Penance Queen
Attack Style:Mage and Range
Examine:Run away! Run away!

Kills per min:Average Combat XP per hour:
Average HP XP per hour:

Where Found:Final Boss; Tenth Wave; Barbarian Assault minigame
Top Drops:None
Tactic:The queen uses a Range/Magic attack that can damage any players anywhere in the map. The Penance Queen cannot be attacked head-on and must be defeated by firing Omega Eggs at her. Omega eggs are created in an assembly line, with each role doing something special to it and then using it on the next role to pass it on. The collector gets it last and loads it into the cannon, through which it will be fired into the queen. She also summons Penance Spawns (61) that can make you have a hard time with auto-retaliate on, it's advised to turn that off.
Notes:The Penance Queen is found on the 10th wave of the Barbarian Assault Minigame. The monsters get harder with every wave, the 10th one being the queen.

Credits:Kod Flame; Darkorc2323
Last Modified:Monday August 27th, 2007

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